Old, older, oldest


Used database:



October 2017


Scientific publication


Isabelle Devos and Tina Van Rossem used the STREAM infrastructure to gain an insight into regional variations in health. STREAM contains data on baptisms and burials in Flanders for hundreds of early modern parishes. In addition, the research infrastructure makes it possible to visualise the data on a map by using a geographic information system. Devos and Van Rossem showed that although the mortality crises in early modern Flanders were caused by epidemics and military conflicts, the structural regional differences can mainly be explained by the topography.

Read the full article here.


Devos, Isabelle, and Tina Van Rossem. “Oud, ouder, oudst: regionale en lokale verschillen in sterfte in het graafschap Vlaanderen tijdens de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw”. De Zeventiende Eeuw (“Old, older, oldest: regional and local differences in mortality in the county of Flanders in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries”. The Seventeenth Century), 2017, 39–53. 

Take a look at the STREAM page: